Friday, August 28, 2009

Just Moments Ago!!!!

Nothing can make a father more proud than to see this . . . . . . . . .

Well nothing can make a father more proud besides the same set up

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Aunty Triss

I've been meaning to post pictures for a while of the dress that my Aunty Triss made for Mirian's blessing. I don't have any really good pictures of it, but it was such a beautiful dress, I have to post something. She made everything by hand, she even crocheted the lace that goes around her chest. Mirian was so beautiful in it. Thanks Aunty Triss for everything! You are the best!

Trip to California

Mirian and I just got back last night from a trip to California to see Grandma and Grandpa Carter. Mirian took her first plane ride and she did amazingly well! It was so nice to get to relax and to spend some time with family.

While there, I went to see Julie and Julia with my mom. It was a cute movie, and it inspired my mom and I to do a little cooking while I was there. My mom has the first edition of Julia Child's cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, so we set to work making chocolate cake, Boeuf Bourguignon, and Coq au Vin. Each recipe was so delicious, but I think that I gained 10 pounds by the time the week was over.

My brother Matt and his wife Kristal were in Paradise while we were there. Matt and Kristal left on Wednesday to spend a year in China to teach English. We were lucky to get to say goodbye to them, before they headed out. Before they left, Matt and Kristal wanted Mirian to know how much they love her. They also wanted to make sure that they were her favorite aunt and uncle, so they got her a series of presents. Mirian loved them all! Good luck in China you guys! We miss you already!

It was also my 10 year High School Reunion while we were there. Russ came down on Thursday and then we went to the reunion on Saturday. It was kind of disappointing. Not many people showed up and the restaurant where the reunion was held wasn't suited for mingling and conversing. We still had a fun time. We went with a couple of my best buds from high school, Megan Conn (and her husband Josh), Brian Hunt (and his wife Hilary) and Bethany Taylor. After the reunion, we went to get ice cream and then we went to Walmart to play our favorite game from high school. We had a really good time.

Aunty Rachel and Mirian

At Russ' work (the family business), the business just grew by one. Russ' sister-in-law Rachel just started working for them. She will help out at the office in place of Russ' parents who will be heading out in November for a year and a half on a mission to the London England Temple Mission.

Rachel was formerly employed with the Washington State Patrol and the Kittitas County Correction Facility. She has a long background in law enforcement. It is fun to have her around the office.

The other day, Emily and Mirian came to visit at the office while a Realtor tour was going on at our home. The photos below are a result of this visit.

Mirian loves her Aunty Rachel. What good times they will have!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Check out the video!!!!!!!

Well it's not the first time that Mirian has done this, but this is the first time on film. Enjoy!!!!!!