We are headed to Spokane (link goes to the chamber of commerce) this Memorial Day weekend for work and play. Spokane is a gorgeous area with lots to do nearby.
Russ has several visits with different customers in Spokane. One is Cyrus O'Leary's Pies. Man, they make great pies!!! If you have ever had a pie from Shari's Restaurant, it was made by Cyrus. After Russ' meetings on Friday, we will get to relax for the weekend with our dear friends the Divis' and head back on Monday evening. We are super excited for the visit. It's nice to accomplish work visits and visits with friends all in one trip.
Want us to come visit??? Find Russ a good customer nearby that warrants the travel. Just kidding.
Prior to Russ' surgery, we went down to Cali and bought cabinetry and granite for our kitchen remodel. Emily's parents and maybe Uncle Walter are going to come help with the installation. However, some assembly must take place on the cabinetry before they are installed. Anybody who would like to pitch in on the assembly (and probably get a free meal out of it) since Russ can't do it would be more than welcome. We don't have set times as to "when you must come", just the sooner the better. Let us know if you are available.