Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Two Loves!!!!

I also love the huge lilac bush in the yard. it needs some major pruning, but it's gorgeous. However, it still didn't make top two on my love list.

Thanks to Bob and Rhinda for the wonderful deck furniture!!!!


James and Audra said...

Oh so cute, that lilac bush is as big as the one in our backyard. They smell awesome. I miss my baby. Love Audra

Olivia Carter said...

Love the two ladies in the picture as well as the LOVELY lilacs!

Kristine1969 said...

Such precious pictures Emily. I like lilacs as well but Dennis has pulled most of them out of the yard saying that he doesn't have room to fix the fence which blows over with every dust storm we get. Which I have to admit, has been quite a few lately.I still think its an excuse, though! LOL It's amazing how big little Mirian is getting. And I hope she loves to read as much as I do.

April said...

What a cute picture...mother and daughter. So glad you have lilacs. I love them