Sunday, May 3, 2009

Learn from the Best and have a Crap-Fest!!!!

Around mid-April our awesome Sister-in-Law Olivia posted on her blog about having a Crap-Fest. Well today, we had our own Crap-Fest and thought we would give credit to Olivia. Crap-Fest does not refer to the quality of the food, just that you grab whatever crap you can find our throw on the table. It was simple, no real need to prepare much, or stress over dinner, just use up all the leftovers. Everyone can have their own unique meal and you don't waste food. Our Crap-Fest consisted of grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup, cashews, garlic mashed potatoes, salmon, steamed broccoli, chocolate bunny, Hershey's Kisses and caramel apple suckers. MMM, it was fun. Enjoy the photos of our Crap-Fest.


Lindsay Jane said...

Great work! Crap fests are classic and will bless your lives for a long time. I highly recommend trying one with all the junk food in your house - that's how crap fests started and they take the experience to a new level.

Carrie Snider said...

I didn't know there was a NAME for that. :) PS that's what we have every night. Thanks for rubbing it in.

Olivia Carter said...

Oh man, leftover chocolate bunny tops the charts of rad things to have at crapfest, like leftover hard boiled Easter eggs, & birthday cake! WOOT!

April Carter said...

Another brilliant idea from Olivia. But cheese sandwiches and soup sound really yummy...not crap.

Jacki said...

One person crap fest doesn't really sound feasible...I wonder if I could rally my other single friends and neighbors and have a full on crap party?

I'm also fully in support of candy at the dinner table ^_^

June said...

Just by how you guys displayed it, they don't look too much of a crap to me! XD